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Why Do Cloth Diapers Smell? All Reasons and Measures!

Judes Frau Wäschekorb Waschpulver Wäscheleine Stoffwindeln stinken

Photo by @antonia_natascha

Cloth diapers are an environmentally friendly alternative to disposable diapers that not only make parents feel good but also save time and money. However, improper care can lead to unpleasant odors, which can have different causes. If cloth diapers smell like ammonia, this indicates too long a washing interval and accumulations of urine. If, on the other hand, they smell like rotten eggs, this may indicate the growth of bacteria and fungi.

My cloth diapers stink, what can I do? If your cloth diapers stink, wash them at a minimum of 60 °C with a mild, enzyme-free detergent and run an extra rinse cycle to remove all residues. Make sure they dry completely, ideally in the fresh air or at low temperature in the dryer. Occasional deep cleaning with vinegar or baking soda can also help eliminate stubborn odors.

With Judes cloth diapers, such problems can be avoided, as they are not only easy to handle but also easy to care for. The thoughtful design, high-quality materials, and the innovative diaper bag for storing used diapers ensure that odors don't even arise. Furthermore, our diaper coaching supports you with all questions about our diapers - so nothing can go wrong.

In this article, we explain the various causes of stinky cloth diapers and how you can avoid them. We show you how to prevent emerging odors with the right care and storage and give you tips on washing and drying cloth diapers.

What are the main causes of unpleasant odors in cloth diapers?

The reason for unpleasant odors in cloth diapers is mainly chemical and biological processes. A common problem is ammonia, which is produced when the urea in urine breaks down. If diapers are not washed regularly or stored improperly, this process can be accelerated, leading to a pungent ammonia smell.

Similarly, bacteria and fungi can cause foul odors. These microorganisms thrive particularly well in moist and warm environments. If diapers are not sufficiently dried or ventilated after washing, these germs can multiply and produce rotten smells.

The material composition of cloth diapers also plays a role in the formation of odors. Synthetic materials tend to retain odors more than natural materials. Judes cloth diapers are made from high-quality organic cotton, which is not only breathable but also less prone to odors.

Common mistakes in caring for cloth diapers that lead to increased odors

Proper care of cloth diapers is crucial to avoid odors. Here are some common mistakes that can lead to unpleasant odors:

  • Irregular washing: If used diapers are stored for too long, it can lead to bacteria growth and odor formation.
  • Incorrect storage: Used cloth diapers should be stored in a way that allows air circulation. Airtight containers promote odor formation by preventing air circulation.
  • Amount of detergent: Too little or unsuitable detergent leads to residues that can cause odors. Too much detergent, on the other hand, can accumulate in the fibers and intensify odors.
  • Washing temperatures: Temperatures below 60 °C may not reliably kill bacteria, which can lead to odor formation.
  • Drying errors: Damp diapers are a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi.

How can you prevent odors in cloth diapers?

To prevent unpleasant odors in cloth diapers, you should follow these preventive measures:

  • Regular cleaning: Wash the diapers regularly, at least every four days. This prevents the buildup of bacteria and ammonia. Use a suitable diaper detergent, such as Judes Family Care and avoid fabric softeners.
  • Storage: Store used diapers in a breathable diaper bag. This prevents moisture from accumulating and bacteria from growing. Additionally, the formation of ammonia is slowed down with adequate oxygen supply.
  • Good ventilation and drying: Allow the diapers to dry completely before storing or reusing them. You can simply put Judes in the dryer after washing, so they are quickly dry and ready to use again.
  • Regular inspection: Check your diapers regularly for odors or stains. If necessary, you can perform a deep cleaning to remove stubborn residues.
  • Choice of materials: Opt for cloth diapers made from natural and breathable materials, such as organic cotton. These are less prone to odors and also gentle on your baby's sensitive skin.
  • Additional tips: Use natural odor neutralizers like vinegar or baking soda to minimize odors. Special inserts that absorb odors can also be helpful.

How do I wash my cloth diapers properly?

To avoid odor formation, store used cloth diapers in a well-ventilated way. The best option is a breathable diaper bag or bucket. This promotes air circulation and prevents moisture from being trapped. This prevents the growth of bacteria and mold. Using our Poo Papers also helps to hygienically dispose of feces before putting the diapers into the bag.

For an optimal cleaning of cloth diapers, it is important to wash them at least every four days. Use a suitable cloth diaper detergent and avoid fabric softeners.

  1. Pre-wash: Rinse the diapers in cold water first to remove coarse residues.
  2. Main wash: Wash the diapers at 60 °C with a mild, enzyme-free detergent.
  3. Spin: Use 800 to 1,000 revolutions for washing cloth diapers. This way, the fabric is not unnecessarily worn out, and the drying time is minimized.

You can find a detailed guide in our article “Gently and hygienically washing cloth diapers.”

Can storing and drying cloth diapers minimize unpleasant odors?

Yes, proper storage and drying of cloth diapers are crucial to avoid stinky cloth diapers. Moisture in diapers provides ideal growth conditions for bacteria and fungi, which is why cloth diapers should be fully dry before storing or reusing them.

There are different methods for drying cloth diapers:

  • Air drying: One method is to hang the diapers in the fresh air. This protects the materials and requires no additional energy. However, depending on the weather, drying may take longer.
  • Dryer: A dryer speeds up the drying of cloth diapers, making them quickly ready for use again. Additionally, this drying process makes the diapers soft and fluffy. However, using too high temperatures can shorten the lifespan of the diapers.
  • Indoor drying: A drying rack in a well-ventilated room or near a heater can also be effective. A fan additionally improves air circulation and can shorten the drying time.

Judes make it especially easy for you as they can be placed in the dryer after washing. The high-quality materials withstand this method, making the diapers immediately ready for use again. Air or indoor drying, on the other hand, can take 24 hours or longer.

You can find more tips on properly drying, caring for, and storing cloth diapers on our blog.

Judes Windeln in Korb Stoffwindeln stinken faule Eier

Photo by @isabelplett

Persistent odors in cloth diapers? Here’s what you can do!

Despite all efforts, cloth diapers can sometimes develop persistent odors. Here are some immediate measures to tackle odor problems:

  1. Deep cleaning: Perform a deep clean by soaking the diapers in hot water with a special cloth diaper cleaner. Alternatively, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda can help.
  2. Sunlight: To combat stubborn stains and odors, it is often enough to place the diapers in the sun. UV rays bleach stains, act as disinfectants, and can neutralize odors.
  3. Lemon juice: A few drops of lemon juice in the final rinse can help remove odors.

Boiling cloth diapers – what you need to know::

Boiling cloth diapers can be an effective method to kill bacteria and fungi and eliminate stubborn odors. However, be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, as not all materials can withstand high temperatures.

  • When to boil cloth diapers? When normal cleaning methods do not help and the diapers still smell strongly.
  • How to boil cloth diapers? Bring a large pot of water to a boil and soak the diapers for 10 to 15 minutes. Then let the diapers cool down well and rinse them to remove all residues.

What to do about ammonia smell in cloth diapers?

Ammonia smell is caused by the breakdown of urea. If your cloth diapers smell like ammonia, you can do the following:

  • Extra rinse cycle: Run an extra rinse cycle to remove all residues of urine and detergents.
  • Enzyme cleaner: Use an enzyme-based cleaner to break down the proteins in the urine.
  • Adjusting the washing routine: Make sure to wash the cloth diapers at least every four days at 60 °C and use a suitable detergent.

What to do about rotten egg smell in cloth diapers?

If your cloth diapers smell like rotten eggs, bacteria and fungi may be the cause. The following methods can help:

  • Vinegar bath: Soak the diapers in a water-vinegar mixture (4:1) to kill bacteria.
  • Hot wash: Wash the diapers at 60 °C or higher to kill germs. However, ensure that the diapers can withstand these high temperatures and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • UV light: Dry the diapers in direct sunlight to utilize the disinfecting effect of UV rays.

With these tips, you can keep your cloth diapers even fresher!

  • Adjust diaper routine: Change your baby's cloth diapers regularly and use Poo Paper for hygienic disposal of feces.
  • Combine absorbent inserts: Use booster inserts to increase the absorbency of the diapers. This way, moisture can be better absorbed and odors minimized.
  • Washing routine: Use a mild detergent, such as Judes Family Care all-purpose detergent for cloth diapers. Wash the diapers at least every four days at 60 °C.

Make diapering easy – with Judes

At Judes, our mission is to develop the world's easiest cloth diaper. Our diapers are not only sustainable but, above all, user-friendly.

Why Judes?

  • Easy to use: Judes consist of only two parts – an inner diaper and an outer cover. Both parts can be put on as easily as a disposable diaper. We avoid complicated folding of inserts or elaborate assembling of materials.
  • Sustainable: A single Judes cloth diaper can replace hundreds of disposable diapers. This prevents the enormous plastic waste produced by disposable diapers and saves about one ton of waste per child. However, the waste mountains are not the only problem, as disposable diapers are burned as hazardous waste and leave behind a toxic mass. Since this cannot decompose, it is stored in former mines and harms our earth for hundreds of years.
  • Healthy: Our diapers are made from organic cotton and are free from chemicals. They promote your baby's natural skin regulation and avoid irritations.
  • Earlier potty training: Thanks to the moisture feedback, children learn faster to understand and control their bladder and bowel functions.
  • Cost savings: In the long run, Judes are significantly cheaper than disposable diapers. They can be reused and even passed on to other children. You can save up to €3,000 per child.
  • No leaks: Thanks to our innovative weaving, Judes are extremely absorbent. Flexible cuffs at the legs and back provide optimal leak protection, both during the day and at night.
  • Hygiene: The breathable organic cotton prevents unpleasant odors and ensures a pleasant diaper climate. With our Poo Paper, you can dispose of feces hygienically, and thanks to the innovative diaper bag, you do not have to touch soiled diapers individually when washing.
Judes Kleinkind Baby draußen Wickelzeit Stoffwindeln stinken nach Ammoniak

Photo by @cafema.illustration


1. Can a baby's diet affect the odor of cloth diapers?

Yes, a baby's diet can affect the odor of cloth diapers. Breastfed babies often have less strongly smelling diapers, while solid foods can cause stronger odors. Changes in diet can therefore also affect the intensity of odors in cloth diapers.

2. How often should cloth diapers be washed to avoid odors?

To avoid odors, cloth diapers should be washed at least every four days. Regular washing prevents the buildup of bacteria and ammonia, which can cause unpleasant odors.

3. Are there natural methods to remove odors from cloth diapers?

Yes, natural methods such as soaking the diapers in a vinegar-water mixture or drying them in direct sunlight can help remove odors. Both methods have a disinfecting effect and naturally neutralize unpleasant smells.

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